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Commonwealth v. Johnson

Argue Date: Thursday May 9, 2019
*Summary:   Criminal; DNA Testing-- Whether the defendant, who was convicted of indecent assault and battery in Massachusetts and is now serving a federal prison sentence for failure to register as a sex offender, is eligible to seek post-conviction DNA testing.
Justices: New England Innocence Project, Committee for Public Counsel Ser, Boston Bar Association
Appellant: Don Earl Johnson
Counsel for Appellant: Edward Gauthier, Esquire
Appellee: Commonwealth
Counsel for Appellee: Jane A. Sullivan, A.D.A. Donna-Marie Haran, A.D.A.
Court Appealed From:
Lower Court Judge:
Route to SJC:
Amici Curiae: Gants, C.J., Lenk, Gaziano, Lowy, Budd, Cypher, Kafker, JJ.

*Summary is not an official part of the court proceedings, it is presented so that those who access the website will have a general understanding of the legal issues in the case.

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