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Dacey v. Burgess

Argue Date: Monday December 5, 2022
*Summary:   Landlord and Tenant-- In this case, a tenant brought a civil complaint against a landlord claiming sanitary code violations and subsequently a stipulation of the parties was entered as a court order that the tenant would vacate the premises; whether it was proper for the Housing Court to issue a judgment and execution for possession absent the commencement of a summary process action where the tenant did not vacate the premises.
Justices: Budd, C.J., Gaziano, Lowy, Cypher, Kafker, Wendlandt, Georges, Jr., JJ.
Appellant: Jason Dacey
Counsel for Appellant: Michael Weinhold, Esquire Paul R. Collier, III, Esquire Bret Thompson, Esquire Sarah Sloane, Esquire
Appellee: Sandy Burgess
Counsel for Appellee: Patrick Bull, Esquire
Court Appealed From: Housing Court. Northeast
Lower Court Judge: Gustavo A. del Puerto, J.
Route to SJC: Sua Sponte Transfer from Appeals Court
Amici Curiae: Medical-Legal Partnership Boston City Life/Vida Urbana Lynn United for Change

*Summary is not an official part of the court proceedings, it is presented so that those who access the website will have a general understanding of the legal issues in the case.

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