0 ftp code Biping Huang v. Jing Ma -Suffolk University Archive Video

Biping Huang v. Jing Ma

Argue Date: Wednesday December 7, 2022
*Summary:   Contracts; Real Estate Brokers-- This is a suit by a broker alleging breach of contract involving an exclusive agency agreement to purchase real estate.
Justices: Budd, C.J., Gaziano, Lowy, Cypher, Kafker, Wendlandt, Georges, Jr., JJ.
Appellant: Biping Huang
Counsel for Appellant: Lei Zhao Reilley, Esquire Charles G. Devine, Jr., Esquire Andrew Falsone, Esquire
Appellee: Xinhang Sun
Counsel for Appellee: John D. Leone, Esquire
Court Appealed From: Middlesex Superior Court
Lower Court Judge: Janice W. Howe, J.
Route to SJC: Further Appellate Review - Limited
Amici Curiae: Massachusetts Associaton of Realtors

*Summary is not an official part of the court proceedings, it is presented so that those who access the website will have a general understanding of the legal issues in the case.

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