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City of Newton v. Commonwealth Employment Relations BoardSJC-13655Argue Date: Wednesday March 5, 2025*Summary: Labor Law-- Whether a municipality is liable for retaliation against a police officer involved in union activity by transferring him to a night shift. Justices: Budd, C.J., Gaziano, Kafker, Wendlandt, Georges, Jr., JJ. Appellant: City of Newton Counsel for Appellant: Jaclyn Zawada, Ass't City Solicitor Alissa Ocasio, Ass't City Solicitor Appellee: Newton Police Superior Officers Association, MassCOP Local 401 Counsel for Appellee: Alan H. Shapiro, Esquire John M. Becker, Esquire Lauren Kopec, Esquire Court Appealed From: Division of Labor Relations Lower Court Judge: Route to SJC: Further Appellate Review Amici Curiae: Boston Police Detectives Benevolent Society , Boston Police Superior Officers Federation *Summary is not an official part of the court proceedings, it is presented so that those who access the website will have a general understanding of the legal issues in the case. Access published opinions - View SJC Docket Information - Download Caption text |