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Commonwealth v. MercedesSJC-13656Argue Date: Wednesday March 5, 2025*Summary: Search and Seizure-- In a drug prosecution, the Commonwealth is appealing a Superior Court order allowing the defendant's motion to suppress where the triggering event in the affidavit in support of the search warrant did not occur, but the affidavit was otherwise sufficient to establish probable cause. Justices: Budd, C.J., Gaziano, Kafker, Wendlandt, Georges, Jr., Dewar, Wolohojian, JJ. Appellant: Commonwealth Counsel for Appellant: Kathryn Leary Janssen, A.D.A. Appellee: Victor Mercedes Counsel for Appellee: Eduardo Antonio Masferrer, Esquire Danya F. Fullerton, Esquire Court Appealed From: Essex Superior Court Lower Court Judge: Charles William Barrett, J. Route to SJC: Direct Entry: Single Justice Allows Interloc Appeal Amici Curiae: *Summary is not an official part of the court proceedings, it is presented so that those who access the website will have a general understanding of the legal issues in the case. Access published opinions - View SJC Docket Information - Download Caption text |